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2024 Changelog

18-29/12/2023 - 02/01/2024

  1. Add AIA Hospital Code at Config->System Config->GL
  2. Add InActive checkbox at User->Edit User
  3. Add New Form at User->Doctor On Leave Form
  4. Add New Form at GL Ledger->Fix ArAp Transaction Date
  5. Add Control not allow to edit qty and price type at Casenote/Medication Form if is Package type (except Admin Group). (Req by BMC Acc)*
  6. Add Control not allow to save/edit again at Patient Registration (Medication,Deposit,Bed No,Lab,Xray,Nucl,Doctor Fee) Form if the reg POSTED event the form is opening. (Req by Rejang Acc)
  7. Add MRN, Nationality, NRIC at Registration->Registration (By Date) Report.
  8. Add running num and 0 balance at Stock On Hand report.
  9. Fix bug Purchase Order when search stock item.
  10. Optimized Purchase Order listing grid view


  1. Add new field for Supplier e-invoice info at Config->System Config->Company, (TIN,BRN,MISCCode,MISCName,SSTRegNo,email,Addr1,Addr2,Addr3,Postal,State,Country,City,Contact)
  2. Add E-Invoice Submission form at Patient Registration->Post Bill/Patient Bill->E-Invoice button
  3. Add Classification Code at Config->Other Setup->Case Name
  4. Add E-Invoice column at Config->AR Setup (For Consolidated E-Invoice)
  5. Add new menu E-Invoice with Sub menu->Consolidated E-Invoice, E-Invoice Listing a. Consolidated E-Invoice -> to consolidated POS Sales Receipt and the AR which got tick the E-Invoice column b. E-Invoice Listing to get info from LHDN and generate the report


  1. Adjust Add Patient layout become short a bit.
  2. Add E-Inv Submit column at Report in Registration->Daily Cash Report.
  3. Add filter Dept Name, Debtor Acc at E-Invoice-> Consolidated E-Invoice Listing.


  1. Allow Send Credit Note E-Invoice without UUID.
  2. Edit Medication Form sequence.
  3. Set Report Preview only when click button Validate & Print


  1. Add Validation Column at E-Invoice Listing
  2. Allow Double Click E-Invoice Listing column and go Patient Registration page.
  3. Add Validation filter at E-Invoice Listing
  4. Add Submit By Column at E-Invoice Listing & Consolidated E-Inv Listing
  5. Add Control allow user to submit Consolidated E-Invoice with user access control -> Allow Print
  6. Fix bug when research the stockID will pop up the error message at Medication Form.
  7. Submit CN E-Invoice at AR Transaction, the buyer info will get from AR Customer info
  8. Add Checkbox at Config->System Config->Casenote to allow Enabled/Disable Day Care, Lab, X-Ray, POS at Patient Registration


  1. Add Grid column Qty & UOM at Print Label Form.
  2. Qty column able to edit and not affect the stock card qty
  3. Qty will reflect at print label
  4. Optimize Print Label report layout.