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Last Updated 📅 2023-10-25 03:36pm 👨 Ting

📁 Archived by Year 2021 | 2020 | 2022

🗣 New Released


  • Exclude red text alert checking for Package item at Medication page


  • Exclude red text alert checking for Package item at Medication page
  • Reposition red text alert for show back item description as BMC request.


  • Relocate Casenote EDD text position.


  • Fix bug stock card B/F Bal. (if just stock transfer with negative, will not get the Bal.)
  • Config->AP Setup page, Add Print PV Setup
  • Amend PV print layout
  • Set Nationality field as compulsory at Add Patient.
  • New function allow duplicate others user permission, User->Add / Edit User->Duplicate User btn.
  • Customer->Customer page, Add check box 'Include Agent'. It will enable if tick 'Enable Staff ID'.
  • Patient Registration page, will display Agent Column too if got tick 'Include Agent'


ALTER TABLE Glsetup ADD printPV bit null ALTER TABLE Customer ADD incAgent bit ALTER TABLE Supplier ADD incAgent bit


  1. Add PO Running No at Config->System Config->Email/PO
  2. Amend PO report content
  3. Add COST Price Alert at PO Listing if different with Stockmain COST PRICE
  4. Add email field at Supplier->Supplier


  1. Add PO Listing & PR Listing at Supplier menu
  2. Add SMTP Setup, email cc, email content and PO Prefix Setup at Config->System Config->Email/PO Supplier-> Purchase Order Form
  3. Add Email Field (Supplier Email) and Dept. No
  4. Change 'Mark' checkbox to 'Approved' checkbox, once click and save the 'Approved', not allow to edit anymore.
  5. Add 'Send Email' function and allow to send email once 'Approved'.
  6. Refer No. will auto appear after SAVE if got set the PO Prefix.
  7. Amend report content
  8. Amend Purchse Order Listing


  1. Fix bug Foreign patient percentage
  2. Optimize date insert at Medication page
  3. Fix bug Casenote LMP date insert at Complaint content.
  4. Add Payment Type Sarawak Pay & Boost at Doctor Statement.
  5. Add Payment Type Boost at Ar Transaction.
  6. Add passport display at Lab request and report.
  7. Add column Deducttion, Percentage, Final Amt at Agent Profit page. Purchase Order
  8. Add Position field at User->Add/Edit User->User Name, use for PO report.
  9. Add remark and query at Purchase Order. To add query command, just double click the query column.


  1. Add Allow CaseNote Discount at Config->System Config->Casenote.
  2. Fix Print GL Detail only print selected item at GL Ledeger->GL Ledger Summary.
  3. optimize PO Listing display.
  4. Fix bug All Casenote display.
  5. Fix bug PO Ref No. auto increment.
  6. Add checkbox Qty Auto become 1 if the qty less than 1 at Config->System Config->Casenote.


  1. Adjust Balance Sheet report sequence
  2. Amend Eyoyo Import with date time checking
  3. Add Month period at Foreign Patient Percentage
  4. Amend RMC HIS Lab Report Header layout & content layout


Fixed bug cannot view lab report and remove message popup medication price not same as stock main file price.


  1. Add 'block casenote content' at User->Add/Edit User->Others (request by BMC Acc. Mdm Wong)
  2. remove purchase date at near expiry report.
  3. Add Itemized column at Supplier Ledger Report. (request by BMC Acc. Alex)
  4. Fix bug casenote with 'edd=...'
  5. remove Ap remark at GL Ledger


  1. Adjust Out Patient Invoice layout for summary & detail - CONSULTATION line put at the first row.
  2. Force to select CASE before print invoice, this for In patient only and start from 1/9/22.
  3. Fix bug Patient History-Lab Report, OTHERS allow to delete.


Print Invoice 1. Procedure Fee group with Consultation fee 2. consultation username priority choose Case Note Doctor, then registration doctor.


  1. Casenote, change Procedure display at report with "Procedure Name - Dr Name"
  2. Add New UOM with POS Sale Unit2 & Patient(Casenote & Medication) Unit 2 at Stock Main File.
  3. Add combobox-drop down list for UOM at Counter Sales, Medication & Casenote.
  4. Sales Unit & Sales Unit 2 will display at Counter Sales.
  5. Unit & Unit 2 will display at Medication and Casenote.
  6. Factor and Unit Price will change when combobox value changed. (According Stock Mian file setting)
  7. Fix Bug eyoyo Approved function. Purchase Order:
  8. Allow export with Word format.
  9. Allow open with multiple form.
  10. Allow add new items at gridview, system will ask to generate new items and go to Stockmain page, will revert back to PO page after save the item at Stockmain. PO Listing page:
  11. Purchase price will indicate higher or lower if different with Stockmain purchase price.
  12. Add search function for PO Ref No.


Purchase Order:
1. Add Stock usage for last month at the remark.
2. Amend PO Number as email subject
3. Add email content at PO.
4. Add check box-> Approved By procurement
5. Add Balance Qty column
6. Add Pending Back Order column
7. Add passport field at Invoice report & Ar remark(when post bill)
8. Add permission Approved By procurement at User->Add/Edit User->Others
9. Add PO No. field at Add/Edit Purchase Invoice->once save, will check the PO No. exist or not and will update to PO Pending Back Column.
10. Optimized Stock Out Summary at Stock->Stock Report
11. Optimized combobox drop down listing function at Counter Sales, Medication, Case Note.
12. Add Store control with compulsory select at Purchase Invoice & Sales Invoice
13. User->Add/Edit User->OhersAllow Edit Admit Date & Time after Save at Patient Registration form (default not allow admit again after save)
14. Allow to add more than 1 email with semicolon (;) at Supplier Master File->Email field, Exp:;;


  • Bug fixed but still some error still remian.


  1. Add signature photo upload function for each user at User->Add/Edit User, dimension with 1*2.5. This apply at PO print report.
  2. Add Bonusing(free qty) field with smallest UOM at PO.
  3. Add test Reviewed and Approved at PO report right bottom.
  4. Add Remark Manual & Balance Qty Manual at PO
  5. Fix bug Casenote cannot print Label.